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Illustration of How To Treat Liver Cancer |
Most liver cancer sufferers don't want to undergo surgery of liver surgery. They better have a transplant, the removal of the entire liver and liver cancer and then exposed to graft from donors. For patients with cancer of the liver, liver surgery operations are feared will only bring up back cancer elsewhere in the liver on a few years later. Moreover, according to some experts, if someone ever had cancer of the heart, then the heart is likely to suffer from other tumor tumor-at the same time or in the foreseeable future
On the other hand, results of medical treatments, such as chemotherapy, kemoembolisasi, Ablation, proton beam therapy, and also often disappoint. Moreover, there is rarely a comparison of each type of treatment. No wonder people with liver cancer is only exposed to a variety of treatment options without ever could obtain satisfaction over the result.
The following are the methods of treatment of liver cancer can be optioned by sufferers :
1. Systematic Chemotherapy
Systematic chemotherapy was the most commonly used is the doxorubicin (Adriamycin) and 5-fluorouracil (5FU). These drugs are used simultaneously or a combination. Unfortunately, these drugs are very toxic, whereas the results are often disappointing. In addition, there is also a drug called tamoxifen (Nolvadex). However, so far it has not shown significant benefits. The other drug is octreotide (sandostatin) is given as an injection to slow the progression of the tumor-a large liver cancer tumors. But the fact has not been proven.
2. Hepatic Artery Infusion Chemotherapy
Normal liver gets 70 percent of the blood supply of portal vein and hepatic arteries of 30 per cent. Liver cancer got the blood supply exclusively from the hepatic artery. Therefore, emerging methods of chemotherapy through hepatic artery directly on the tumor. In theory, drugs can be delivered to the tumor-tumor drug poisoning without making the sufferer. However, chemotherapy drugs are in fact able to flow throughout the body. As a result, intra-arterial chemotherapy it can cause adverse effects systematically. This method of treatment can also cause side effects such as regional, gall bladder inflammation, ulcers in the intestines and stomach, and inflammation of the pancreas. In fact, patients with liver cancer in advanced stage could suffer liver failure after doing this treatment.
A radiologist usually perform the procedure through the hepatic artery. He will work closely with expert cancer who received chemotherapy determines the number of sufferers at every session of treatment. Some sufferers may undergo repeated sessions at intervals of 6-12 weeks. This procedure is done with the help of x-ray imaging. a catheter is inserted into the femoral artery in the groin and intruder into the aorta (the main artery of the body). From the aorta, the catheter is pushed into the hepatic artery. After the branches of the hepatic artery feeding on liver cancer chemotherapy drugs, then identify else is infused. The whole procedure takes 1-2 hrs, then the catheter removed.
Generally, increased liver tests or worsen during 3hari-2 after chemotherapy through hepatic artery procedure done. Improving liver tests is actually caused by the death of tumor cells and some cells is not a tumor. Hepatic artery after chemotherapy through done, sufferers can also experience abdominal pain and low-grade fever. This indicates that a more serious complications have developed.
3. Proton Beam Therapy
Proton Beam Therapy is a therapeutic technique that is able to deliver a high radiation dose dose-on a specified local area. This therapy is also used in the treatment of tumors-malignant tumors. Unfortunately, there has been no evidence about the efficacy of this treatment methods for liver cancer
4. Operation
Action operations performed on patients who have tumors less than five cm long and are limited to the liver. Other terms for operating actions is no invasion of the blood vessels to the heart.
5. Surgery Heart
Surgery liver (liver resection) aims at raising all tumors and liver tissue surrounding the tumor without leaving behind it. This action can only be performed against the sufferers have small tumors the size of tumor-three centimeters or less, a perfect liver function, and without cirrhosis. However, since the terms that it is not a lot of people with liver cancer that can undergo a surgery heart. The biggest concern of the Surgery is that after surgery, the patient may be experiencing liver failure. Liver failure can also occur if the part that is left behind from the heart it is not adequate to provide the support necessary to live.
6. Liver transplantation
Liver transplant could be one method of treatment for patients with end-stage liver cancer of various types, such as hepatitis B and C or chronic alcoholic cirrhosis. Survival figures for patients without liver cancer is 90 percent in one year, 80 percent in three years, and 75 percent in five years. Liver transplantation is the best choice for a patient who had a tumor the size of tumor-less than five centimeters, which also had signs of liver failure. In fact, the liver transplant on a patient who has a tumor-sized tumors less than three centimeters, but has no involvement with the blood vessels can run well.
After the transplant patient has recurrence of liver cancer risk of less than 10 percent. On the other hand, patients who have tumors-sized tumor more than five cm or with the involvement of the blood vessels very high risk to experience a recurrence of liver cancer. In summary, Surgery can do for sufferers who have small tumors and tumor-heart function is normal or there is no evidence of cirrhosis. Whereas, the sufferer having liver tumor that many or large tumors can also undergo a liver transplant, but must be appeased or alleviated with intra-arterial chemotherapy. The requirement of sufferers do not have signs of liver failure.
7. Liver Biopsy or siphoning off
Liver cancer tissue can be taken sample by using a very thin needle. This technique is called siphoning off fine needle. Whereas, when a larger needle is used to get a core network, then called a biopsy technique. The radiologist usually use CT Scan to direct the placement of the needle nor do fine needle biopsy and siphoning off. The most common risk of biopsy is bleeding, mainly because of liver cancer is a tumor that contains the blood vessels.
Siphoning off procedure is more secure than biopsy because it has a smaller risk of bleeding. However, it still requires the siphoning off of fine needle a pathologist with high skills. If a patient has liver cancer risk factors, such as cirrhosis, chronic hepatitis B, chronic or hepatitis C, and blood levels of AFP are up significantly, so doctors usually conclude without doing a biopsy that theperson has liver cancer.
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