Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Bone Cancer Natural Cures and treatments

Bone Cancer Natural Cures and treatments
Illustration of Bone Cancer Natural Cures and treatments
Bone Cancer Natural Cures and treatments. Bone Cancer Natural cures, Maxs-Ace is a new breakthrough herbal medicine in the World Health in formulate of 100% natural herbal ingredients is very powerful to overcome all sorts of types of cancer one of her bone cancer.Bone cancer drug an Ace blend of mangosteen rind extract Maxs and soursop leaf that has tremendous benefits for the health of your body. Disease of bone cancer.

Overview of bone cancer

Bone cancer is a type of cancer that can affect both human, over children, adults and others people, although it is more common in children and adolescents. It is categorized based on whether the cancer originated in the bone (primary) or if it spreads to the bones from other locations (secondary). Secondary Bone cancer, or cancer that has spread to the bones from other parts of the body, far more common than primary bone cancer. In fact, the primary bone cancer is considered a rare occurrence.(Bone Cancer Natural Remedy)

There are several types of main bone cancer, there are :
  • Osteosarcoma
  • Chondrosarcoma
  • Ewing's sarcoma
  • Malignancy fibrous histiocytoma
  • Fibrosarkoma
  • kordoma

Symptoms Of Bone Cancer
The most common symptom is bone pain (pain). In most cases, the symptoms become severe gradually increasing over time. Initially, the pain appears only at night or when the activity. In some cases, there is a lump on the bone or tissue around the bone.

The following 5 symptoms of bone cancer the most typical :

1. pain

The most common signs of bone cancer in the spine is a pain in the neck or back. The pain will be constant and is accompanied by other symptoms. This pain can be only in the rear area, could also spread to other. Its development depends only on the place of the unusual growth. But, if the cancer effect is causing a small amount of inflammation and irritation, pain usually stays behind. If the cancer is pressing the nerve, the pain diffuses out into "branches" are related. No matter the source of the pain, bone cancer causing inconvenience for gastric.

2. Weakness

If the cancer places enough pressure on the nerve, a person will suffer from weakness. This is largely due to the failure of the impulse from the spine. If the cancer is causing inflammation of the brain in the back, no longer able to communicate well with the foot. As a result, sufferers may find it difficult to walk, carry, reach for something, or clinging. Sensitivity decreases bone cancer can affect the sensation of touch. Because the spinal cord is a nerve center, inflammation or pressure in this area can result in a reduction of sensation. The object may no longer feel hot or cold to the touch. Similar to the brain's inability to communicate with members of the governing body, the limbs being not fully communicate with the brain.

3. Incontinence

Spinal cancer can also cause incontinence. This is very similar to the symptoms of weakness, because of pressure on certain nerves in the spine that are responsible for controlling the performance of the bladder and intestines. If the impulse is disturbed, it can cause a person to lose control of their bladder, bowel, or both.

4. Paralysis

As the development of cancer of the spine, a person may suffer from paralysis. Depending on the severity of cancer, paralysis can be isolated to one member of the Agency. The size and location of the growth, determine the amount of paralysis, because cancer can get to the point where nerves appeared to be breaking up or lesion has formed on the nerve itself.

Bone Cancer Natural Cures

Why Should Mangosteen ??

because the natural bone cancer drugs contained extracts of the mangosteen rind and soursop leaf that has the same properties as an anti cancer. The mangosteen rind contain antioxidants in a xanthone compounds simply applied far exceeds the content of antioxidants in other sources of antioxidants such as vitamins C and e. As antioxidants in General xanthone has efficacy as an antioxidant that dispose of toxins from the body that bias causes the incidence of bone cancer.

Alfamangostin plays a role in controlling bone cancer cells with apotosis mechanism aka the suicide process. In addition alfamangostin also activates the immune system by stimulating natural killer cells that kill cancer cells and viruses. Not only is it Alfamangostin and garsinon-E inhibits the proliferation of cancer cells to the bone.With improved skin herbal it does the mangosteen is believed to treat bone cancer.

The most efficacious natural cure for cancer in the bones is the content of soursop leaves in it. Soursop leaf with extraordinary compounds include anopentosin A, anopentosin B, Anopentosin C, murikatosin acetoginin A, murikatosin B, anomurisin E, murikapentosin. the most deadly cancer in the bone is the content of his acetogenins.

From various studies that have been done have work acetogenin discovered 10,000 times stronger in terms of inhibiting the growth of cancer cells compared to chemotherapy. These Acetogenins are working with highly selective by just shutting down and kill cancer cells without hurting or damaging bone cells that are still healthy.

Disease of the Bone Cancer

Disease of the Bone Cancer
Illustratin of Disease of the Bone Cancer
Disease of the Bone Cancer. Diseases of the bone cancer is one disease that attacks the bone cancer is characterized by bumps on the area. The disease is also known as a bone tumor, caused by disruption of cells from the bones. These cancer cells themselves indirectly formed. There is a process that results in these cells continue to grow until it is attacked and took control of bone structure. Diagnosis and Pathophysiology of bone cancer.

Traits Affected By Bone Cancer. Cancer that occurs in the spine can cause destruction of healthy cells bone sufferers. A Tumor or cancer can not only damage the spinal cord, but it can also damage the spinal cord patients. A person who is suffering from cancer of the spine can be accompanied by symptoms such as :

1. pain

Common symptoms that commonly occur from cancer bone pain occurred or is a pain in the neck or back, and accompanied by other symptoms.

2. Weakness

When cancer gets enough pressure on the nerve, a person will suffer from weakness. This is largely due to the failure of the impulse from the spine. Cancer of the spine can affect the sensation of touch. Because the spinal cord is a nerve center, inflammation or pressure in this area can result in a reduction of sensation.

3. Incontinence

Spinal cancer can also cause incontinence. This is very similar to the symptoms of weakness, because of pressure on certain nerves in the spine that are responsible for controlling the performance of the bladder and intestines.

4. Paralysis

As the development of cancer of the spine, a person may suffer from paralysis.

A variety of bone cancer & kind

This bone cancer can be a disease that is still vicious or software. More can be primary and secondary. Here are a few types of cancer of the bone that needs to be known :
  1. Osteosarcoma bone cancer disease: this is the most vicious and often found. But most often it is on men aged 10-20 years. This disease attacks the part of long bones could even spread to the lungs.
  2. Chondrosarcoma: cancerous bone disease Is both aggressive and often found, especially for those aged 40 years and over. The disease is often referred to as a bone tumor invades the cartilage in particular areas of the hips.
  3. Ewing's sarcoma: pretty much the same yet osteosarcoma which attacked the long bones but the most aggressive and attacked the men under 30 years of age.
  4. Fibrisarcoma: compared to other bone cancer, bone tumor is rarely found. Usually these tumors occur in the software such as the back of the knees and strikes men aged 30 to 50 years.
  5. Bone cancer Disease: Chordoma is most rare. This cancer attack the spine and can strike both men and women aged 30 or over.
Symptoms of bone cancer

Handling on any type of bone cancer is different and this makes it difficult to treats if not understand very well the origin of origins. Therefore, know early signs of bone cancer disease may also to do. Some of the symptoms and characteristics are as follows :
  • Pain in the neck or back. This pain may also spread to other areas of the body if pressing nerves and lead to chronic discomfort.
  • Suffering from fatigue due to pressure on a nerve impulse disorders and of the spine.
  • Sensitivity sufferers being reduced due to the spinal cord experienced disruption so that there is a change the sensation of touch.
  • Incontinence or someone who experience loss of bladder and bowel control due to pressure on a certain nervous working control performance.
  • Happen paralysis on one limb that was disconnected so as to do an amputation.
Yes, it used to be to do an amputation to avoid death due to cancer of the bone. But along with the development of medical technology and patients could still be saved by means such as patched or cemented. Technology of treatment of diseases of the bone cancer is with the technique of grafting bone feet foot traces people who had recently died. The success rate of bone cancer treatment is increased to 80%. In Indonesia, the country with this method of treatment has been started.

Cancer of the bones themselves are more caused by the tumor. Therefore, when a person is experiencing pain in the bones, especially not by accident – it would be better to do the x-rays beforehand. If it is indeed because of falling and there were no tumor then the sorting action is the patient's choice whether to do the sorting to the shaman or not. But if the tumor is cancer of the bone, surely it would be better to ask for medical help. This will minimize the symptoms or cause of bone cancer.

Diagnosis and Pathophysiology Of Bone Cancer

Diagnosis and Pathophysiology Of Bone Cancer
Illustration of Diagnosis and Pathophysiology Of Bone Cancer
Diagnosis and Pathophysiology Of Bone Cancer. Bone Tumors can be cancerous. Bone cancer may occur as a primary disease stemming from bone or occur more frequently as a result of metastasis (spread of cancer cells) from other tumors. Primary bone cancer can be started in every cell of the bone. Cancer of the bone marrow lead to leukemia or mieloma. Osteoblast primary cancer or Sarcoma called osteosit osteogenik. Osteogenik Sarcoma often occurs in long bones, especially the femur (thigh) or at the knees. Cancer of the cartilage is called chondrosarcoma. Chondrosarcoma is usually occurs in the femur or pelvis. Symptoms of bone cancer.

Common symptoms of primary bone cancer is :
  • Pain related to inflammation accompanied by swelling in and around the bone.
  • Pathological Fracture

Diagnosis of primary bone cancer and the like, include :
  • MRI will identify tumors of bone
  • Biopsy of bone and tissue neoplasm will identify who is involved
The complications that occur from the primary bone cancer such as:
  • Limb Amputation is the way as medical treatment is done as a result of the final stage of bone cancer, where the cancer cells have spread to nearly all parts of the bones of the body that was attacked.
  • Ansietas, fear and family stress often accompanies a diagnosis of cancer, especially in children.

The Pathophysiology Of Bone Cancer

There are an estimated 2,000 new cases of bone cancer in 1994. Male sufferers would amount to $ 1,100 of those cases and fewer women sufferers with estimates of as many as 900 cases. Estimates of the death toll reaches 1,075. The disease shows a bimodal pattern with a peak incidence between the ages of 15-19 years and after 65 years.


Very little risk facto like associated with tumors of the bone Spurs. Paget's disease, Fibrous Dysplasia, enkodromatosis, bone infarction or radiation exposure is a State that is known to have a relationship with tumor-bone tumors.


Primary bone malignancies classify histologically-based type of cells or the underlying network. These types include bone, cartilage, fibrous tissue, vascular and retikuloendotelial. In General, bone cancer is divided into 2 kinds, i.e. secondary bone cancer and primary bone cancer. Secondary bone cancer is cancer of the bone caused by cancer cells that originated in other organs and spread to other bones. Secondary bone cancer commonly occurs as a result of complications from a previous cancer such as lung cancer that spreads to the bone and then develop into cancer of the bone.

Some types of cancer can cause cancer cells spread on bone-cartilage and prone to attack cancer cells from a cancer that previously existed on the body, the most common type of cancer and spread the cancer cells on the bone, such as lung cancer, breast cancer and prostate cancer. While the primary bone cancer is cancer caused by cancer cells derived from the bone itself or the place where the growth of cancer cells in the bones.

Symptoms of bone cancer

Symptoms of bone cancer
Illustration of symptoms of bone cancer
Symptoms of bone cancer. Symptoms of bone cancer that is often felt by people with bone cancer bone pain, swelling is on top of the bone, chest pain, coughing, fever and decreased body weights. Cancer can be easily diagnosed and also easily change the life of a cancer sufferer who not only look at the sheer physical changes, emotions often become higher good for sufferers of cancer itself or for families of cancer patients. In General, diseases of bone cancer bone cancer is divided into primary and secondary bone cancer. Primary bone cancer is cancer of the bone that is leaning more caused by cancer cells derived from the bone itself, then caused the other bones. Especially the bones are easy fragile bones which the Lung cancer. Causes of bone cancer.

Bone cancer can spread to other parts of the bones, then damage healthy bone cells such as bone cancer which spread his cell into the breast and prostate and then damage healthy cells in the breast and prostate and convert it to prostate cancer and breast cancer. A person suffering from bone cancer may experience symptoms such as pain in the bones, muscle mass changes on the bone which will then arise a few bumps on the bone like bumps, then a lump of bone and tissue surrounding the cancer will experience an get inflammation and bone pain which is quite sick. In addition to bone cancer sufferers can experience high fever, the body feels chills, night sweats and weight loss that continue to occur due to reduced bone mass.

The most prominent of the bone cancer is the sufferer will feel the body feels tired, unable to easily conduct, could not lift an object, it is difficult to run, grabbing or grasping an object. Bone cancer symptoms are almost the same with symptoms in stroke. Then another bone cancer symptoms felt by the sufferer of bone cancer is diminishing sensitivity. The sensitivity decreased sick sags central nervous, so the nerve center of were unable to communicate well with the brain to respond.

Other symptoms which would then bone cancer sufferer is urinary incontinence caused by pressure on a certain nervous especially in the spine, which served as the controller of the performance of the bladder and intestines. Symptoms of bone cancer are sufferers may experience paralysis due to bone or bone mass no longer able to support the weight of the body due to the growth of cancer cells, which grew rapidly and injure the nerve center.

Causes Of Bone Cancer

Causes Of Bone Cancer
Ilustration of Causes Of Bone Cancer
Causes Of Bone Cancer. Bone cancer is a type of cancer that can occur in children and adults, but in fact many bone cancer in children and adolescents. Causes of bone cancer is grouped by the type of bone cancer suffered, i.e. primary bone cancer and secondary bone cancer. Primary bone cancer bone originated from itself and more identical secondary bone cancer is caused by complications from cancer that had previously occurred that caused the earlier cancer cells invade the bone cells in bone cancer causing it to happen. Knowing with bone cancer osteosaroma.

Most of the bone cancer occurs due to genetic factors of congenital abnormalities or birth who later developed during the age of the children, youth and maturity. Bone cancer which is cause by genetic factors or by congenital abnormalities at birth causes for this include:
  • Multiple exostoses
  • Rothmund-Thomson syndrome
  • Retinoblastoma genetics
  • Li-Fraumeni syndrome
  • Osteogenesisiimperfecta, publication, aperts syndrome, syndrome
Occurs in bones, such as osteomyelitis sypilus etc.
  • Trauma due to accidents that cause injuries and fractures in bones
  • The presence of benign and malignant primary bone cancer, as well as secondary bone cancer
  • Primary Bone Disorders due to increasing age or secondary due to abnormalities of bone, such as low back pain, neck pain, shoulder cevical arm syndrom etc.

Different Kinds Of Bone Disease

Bone disease have many types including inflammation of the joints, tumors and some of which are bone cancer or referred to as chronic diseases that attack secretly. Here there is some sort of bone disease are common and are often experienced by many people, is :

1. Osteoporosis
It is a disease caused by a bone density levels began to decline due to old age. Disease osteoporosis bone trabecular bone strength strike or hollow bone section deep that its strength is reduced drastically. Then started experiencing thinning of cortical and overall bone will start to break. Osteoporosis only strike at those who are older or menopausal.

2. Osteomalacia

This type of bone disease results from bone weakness due to start less vitamin D intake or ketisak the inefficient provision of metabolism in the body. Osteomalacia occurs with Osteoporosis.

3. Rickets

Rickets is a bone disease that is often experienced by children who are currently in a period of growth. The formation of bone in people with rickets have abnormal calcium buildup occurs which in the bone due to too much consumption of milk calcium sun radiation induced or without balanced with a good life and a balanced nutritional intake.
4. Osteomyelitis
Infection of the bone disease is caused by sepsis or bacterimia spread and reduce the strength of the bones.

5. the spine
The spine also never escaped the onslaught of disease. The spine can also experience inflammation related disorder, with curves of the spine (lordosis, lumbar kifosis overload with bones and joints. Even the spine can cause spinal cancer which is a bone disease that strikes silently.

Saturday, September 14, 2013

What is Bone Cancer Osteosarcoma ?

Bone Cancer Osteosarcoma
Illustration of Bone Cancer Osteosarcoma
What is Bone Cancer Osteosarcoma ? A lot of factors and conditions that can cause cancer is estimated to be bone osteroracoma like beryllium chemicals and similar viruses FBJ (Francis Biklis-Johnston) and radiation. In addition, some ailments derivative is also thought to be a factor in the causes of bone cancer like Rothmund-Thomson Syndrome, Blomm syndrome, and Li-Fraumeni syndrome. Cancer tumors can grow in the bone (primary cancer) but these disorders are more frequently appear on other parts of the body and spread to the bone (secondary cancer). Primary osteosarcoma bone cancer rarely occurs in adults. This cancer is more often strikes children and young people, usually on the bone of the foot. Bone cancer treatments.

Symptoms of both types of cancer include pain, sensitive, and swelling in the area of developing, as well as increased susceptibility to fractures. The pain may increase at night and when the person is standing or lying down.

Oestosarcoma was diagnosed with bone cancer through rontgent, MRI, or CT scan (computerized tomography). Other parts of the body such as the lungs, can also be checked to see if the disease has spread to other places. When the diagnosis of primary bone cancers already identified, the tumor will be removed with surgery if possible. Radiotherapy or chemotherapy is usually done to destroy cancer cells that are left. Treatment for primary bone cancer is usually successful and in most cases these are not recurrent. Bone cancer disease common in children aged 10-20 years. This cancer can invade some bones but many found on the legs, arms, and hips. Signs that often arises is the occurrence of rapid swelling accompanied by pain in the bones.

Bone cancer is a type of cancer that can occur in children and adults, but in fact many bone cancer in children and adolescents. Causes of bone cancer is grouped by the type of bone cancer suffered, i.e. primary bone cancer and secondary bone cancer. Primary bone cancer bone originated from itself and more identical secondary bone cancer is caused by complications from cancer that had previously occurred that caused the earlier cancer cells invade the bone cells in bone cancer causing it to happen.

Most of the bone cancer occurs due to genetic factors of congenital abnormalities or birth who later developed during the age of the children, youth and maturity. Bone cancer which is cause by genetic factors or by congenital abnormalities at birth causes for this include :
  • Multiple exostoses
  • Rothmund-Thomson syndrome
  • Retinoblastoma genetics
  • Li-Fraumeni syndrome
  • Osteogenesisiimperfecta, publication, aperts syndrome, syndrome
Occurs in bones, such as osteomyelitis sypilus etc.
  • Trauma due to accidents that cause injuries and fractures in bones
  • The presence of benign and malignant primary bone cancer, as well as secondary bone cancer
  • Primary Bone Disorders due to increasing age or secondary due to abnormalities of bone, such as low back pain, neck pain, shoulder cevical arm syndrom etc.

Bone disease have many types including inflammation of the joints, tumors and some of which are bone cancer or referred to as chronic diseases that attack secretly. Here there is some sort of bone disease are common and are often experienced by many people, is :

1. Osteoporosis
It is a disease caused by a bone density levels began to decline due to old age. Disease osteoporosis bone trabecular bone strength strike or hollow bone section deep that its strength is reduced drastically. Then started experiencing thinning of cortical and overall bone will start to break. Osteoporosis only strike at those who are older or menopausal.

2. Osteomalacia
This type of bone disease results from bone weakness due to pengalami start less vitamin D intake or ketisak the inefficient provision of metabolism in the body. Osteomalacia occurs with Osteoporosis.

3. Rickets
Rickets is a bone disease that is often experienced by children who are currently in a period of growth. The formation of bone in people with rickets have abnormal calcium buildup occurs which in the bone due to too much consumption of milk berkalsium sianr sun radiation induced atua without balanced with a good life and a balanced nutritional intake.

4. Osteomyelitis
Infection of the bone disease is caused by sepsis or bacterimia spread and reduce the strength of the bones.

5. the spine

The spine also never escaped the onslaught of disease. The spine can also experience inflammation related disorder, denggan curves of the spine (lordosis, lumbar kifosis overload with bones and joints. Even the spine can cause spinal cancer which is a bone disease that strikes silently.

Bone disease is often not understood by anyone, because the bone disease generally do not cause significant symptoms or just generally impressed. Most people consider the perceived symptoms like pain in bones, pain in the joints and bones are the usual symptoms experienced by many people. The bones are the organs of the body that has a big task. Bones as buffer body made from collagen component that is a form of protein which contains calcium phosphate and calcium minerals that can give you strength in bones to support all the organs of the body.

Calcium owned almost 99% of the human body there are many in the bones and teeth and the rest contained in blood. Bone also has 2 parts or types of bone matter, namely :

1. Cortical

Cortical bone is dense and powerful and is the outermost part of the bone.

2. Trabecular

Trabecular is part in the cavity and form that has the structure as a whole. As long as humans live bones continue to undergo development and improvement. In the process of development and improvement of bone resorption and called do formation. During resorption, tulag cells will be damaged and replaced with a special bone cells called osteoclasts. While in the process of formation of new bone tissue, will renew the network of old bone cells. During the process of bone turnover is called by osteoblasts. But the body and bones need sufficient vitamin intake, balanced hormone during bone repair and renewal process, such as :
  1. Calcitonin
  2. Parathyroid
  3. Vitamin C
Esterogen a balanced hormones (hormones in women)
Testosterone hormones (hormone in males)

Friday, September 13, 2013

What is bone cancer treatments ?

What is bone cancer treatments ?
Illustration of bone cancer
What is bone cancer treatments ? Primary bone cancer is cancer that begins in the bone (networks). Primary bone cancer is rare. The more common is a cancer that originated in other organs, such as lungs and then metastase to the bone. Nasopharynx cancer is ?

There are 3 main types of main bone cancer, is :
  1. Osteosarcoma : developing in young bone
  2. Chondrosarkoma : the patient's cartilage begins at
  3. Ewing Sarcoma : begins at nerve tissue found in bone marrow.

Bone cancer is usually treated with surgery. In addition to the other options including among of they are :
chemotherapy, amputation and radiotherapy.
  • Osteosarcoma

Osteosarcoma usually strikes young boys aged between 10-25 years and thought to be the descendants of (genetic) disease. Osteosarcoma tends like to grow usually at the lower end of the femur, or the upper end of humerus or upper end of the tibia. The symptoms most frequently found is a pain. In line with the growth of the tumor, could also be a palpable swelling warm and somewhat flushed. An early sign of this disease may be a fracture is called pathological fracture. This is because tumors caused the fragile bones. Osteosarcoma usually at-diagnosis through imaging at tests, such as
x-ray bone or CT Scan. The type of this bone cancer is usually treated with surgery. When the spread, chemotherapy can do.

  • Chondrosarkoma
Chondrosarkoma usually early cells cartilage (cartilage) patients aged more than 50 years. So, we like to known if this type of cancer usually grows slowly and often can be cured only by surgically removed. But some of them are invasive and easy to spread. In the case of chondrosarkoma, surgery is done to remove the entire tumor. Bone cancer is not usually react well to chemotherapy or radiotherapy. If the tumor is removed entirely, more than 75% of patients survive. Arm amputation/limb usually seldom exercised.
  • Ewing Sarcoma
Ewing Sarcoma appears at puberty, when bones grow very fast. Rarely found in children aged less than 10 years. Ewing Sarcoma most commonly develops in the long bones, pelvis, or chest. This type of Tumor is invasive, easy also spread to organs such as the lungs. The most frequent underlying symptoms are pain, fever and sometimes swelling of the bone. New patients are usually diagnosis when conditions cancer already spread.

This bone cancer treatment is often a combination of: surgery, chemotherapy and radiotherapy.